How does the procedure look like?

The first step it’s to exclude all the contraindications, which may disqualify you for the procedure. Please do not hide any informations about your health condition.
The next step is to pre-draw and shape your brows. Once that’s done we will choose the color. Once you agree to the shape and color I will start my work.

Pain and discomfort during the procedure

Pain is relative feeling but the procedure itself shouldn’t be painful. There is some discomfort, but I will be using primary and secondary anesthetic to alleviate that feeling. Some clients naturally feel one brow sorer than the other. You are going to hear a scratch noise throughout. You are free to bring your own earphones and music.

How long does it last?

Between 1-3 years. For the best results yearly touch up is recommended.

Sterility and safety

All needles and sharpies used during the permanent make up procedure are sterile and single use only. I will unpack them at your presence.

Change in the color of the pigment

Pigment changes under the influence of many factors like sun exposure or face cosmetics that being used. Touch up within a year of first pigmentation is recommended


Deposits are applied towards the procedure and are not refundable

Fillers, Botox and laser treatments

Don’t do Botox and laser treatments 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the treatment. Laser should be perform no less thank 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after.

Why The 6-8 week touch up is needed

As the procedure area heals the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear this can all be addressed during the touchup appointment and that’s why the touchup is necessary. The procedure area has to be completely healed before we can address any concerns. Touch ups are done between 6-8 weeks

Retin A

Do not use Retin-A skin care products close to treated area two weeks prior to and after your procedure