If you want your brows to heal up evenly and the final results to be satisfactory keep in mind that aftercare is as important as the procedure itself.
Please follow my recommendation and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or text me 6314664461.
It’s normal for the color to be more intense right after the procedure and the pigment area to be red and a little swollen. After the procedure pigments in the area will begin to oxidize and darken over the next 3 to 5 days. They will soften up in appearance to about 30%- 50% of the color once healed.

During The first 7 days

  • do not peak, scratch or peel the healing area

  • do not apply any makeup or products on eyebrows

  • avoid sleeping on your face

  • avoid direct sun exposure

  • avoid working out to prevent sweating

  • avoid water on eyebrows during shower for at least 7 days or until healed

  • avoid facial massage, facial steaming, sauna, hot tubs, long hot showers and anything that can make you sweat

For the next 30 days

  • avoid tanning, light therapies, chemical peels, fruit acids, microdermabrasion and creams that contain regeneration factors

Always avoid laser treatments over the treated area like Fraxel laser, IPL. They may destroy the pigments and cause burns.


Always wash your hands before going anywhere near your eyebrows. Don’t forget it’s an open wound. During the day after the procedure gently pad your eyebrows with a dry tissue to remove any excess lymph. The day after the procedure In the morning you will wash your brows very gently with warm water and soap like Cethaphil. Don’t rub. After that dry your brows by padding them with a clean, dry tissue. Then apply the ointment I will send you home with. Use a Qtip and a very small amount, no more than a pea size for both brows. You need to let your skin breath for the best healing results.
Continue to wash your brows with clean hands, water and soap twice a day for about 10-14 days and applying a small, thin layer of ointment twice a day.

Brows will completely heal after 6 weeks and this is what you can expect during that time :

Day 1 you will love your brows

Day 2-4 brows will look really dark as the ink oxidizes

Day 5-7 your brows will start peeling and will become itchy this is a normal healing process they will also start appearing patchy

Day 8-13 at that point all scabs and peeling will fall off and you brows may look patchy

Day 14-30 brow pigment will slowly change its color

Day 40 You will see the final results

Day 41 Now you are ready to get a touch up, that will make your brows look finished. It will lock the color and will make it last. During the touch up I will go over the places where ink didn’t take or looks lighter. This is also time to make your brows darker, if you want that or adjust the shape and make them thicker.

Remember that permanent makeup is a 2 step procedure, and the final look is after the touch up when brows are healed.